May 302012

Hobsons Bay Leader has written an article, reporting the developers submission of amended plans to VCAT. Below is the text in full…

If you view the Leader’s article on this page, you can place comments on the Leader’s website.

Undecided fate of Newport timber yards
Fiona O’Doherty
May 30, 2012

THE developer behind a plan to turn the Newport timber yards into multi-storey housing has lodged amended plans with Hobsons Bay Council.

The council rejected a bid for a 43-dwelling development on the Paine St site last December.

The Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal last year rejected plans for 40 dwellings.

Developer Domain Hill Property Group successfully asked for the adjournment of the most recent tribunal hearing, saying it wanted to submit amended plans addressing concerns.

But plans for 42 townhouses with a sunken carpark reducing the height of buildings by 0.8m, have failed to impress critics.

Co-ordinator of residents’ group, Protect Newport, Anthony Simmons said the new plans were essentially the same as the old plans and that the townhouses would still be an “eyesore”.

Council planning and environment director Peter Gaschk said the amended plans did not address the council’s concerns.

But Domain Hill managing director Peter Cahill said the amendments addressed all matters raised.


Comments can be made on the Leaders website.

Note: The above text is by Hobsons Bay Leader – copyright remains that of the respected owners.

 Posted by at 11:46 am

  One Response to “Hobsons Bay Leader article: “Undecided fate of Newport timber yards””

  1. If Peter Cahill believes his amended plans have addressed all matters, then I will be seeing him at the VCAT hearings. His plans have always been controversial and its always been about making the most out of his small block of land. To put a big block of 42 dwellings on the Old Timber Yard will only do one thing. And that is, it will devastate the natural beauty and tranquility of that urban park land. Peter Cahill’s only objective is to gain maximum profit by filling his land withas many apartments he can. He has no interest in listening to our objections and the councils objections, because he is basically a Urban Vandal , but on his scale, he is an 11.

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