Jun 102012

We have an important mission to achieve this week, to get as many signatures on a petition. More info on the petition to follow.

We need volunteers to undertake a fast paced door knock campaign to collect signatures from the current 360 resident objectors. Followed by a letter drop to all remaining residents in the area to gather additional signatures.

If you can assist, please email info@protectnewport.com


 Posted by at 11:57 am

  3 Responses to “Looking for volunteers: this weekend, Monday and Tuesday.”

  1. Thanks for the offer. I have hundreds of pre-printed forms, so I can drop them off to you tomorrow. Let me know via email the best time and I will bring them around.

  2. We will each sign a petition and I can door knock for an hour tomorrow (Tuesday) afternoon in the Latrobe, Wilkins, Effingham St area. Would you like me to print some off or can you drop some in?
    thanks, Anne

  3. In Tassie now but will sign petition.


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