Mar 132014
VCAT GRANTS PERMIT for Paine St development.

We have just received the decision – VCAT have set aside Council’s decision to refuse a permit to the applicant. Which means VCAT have approved a permit to allow the construction of buildings and works containing a maximum of 39 dwellings and a partial waiver of the standard car parking requirement in accordance with the [READ IN FULL]

 Posted by at 3:50 pm
Feb 062014
VCAT hearing concluded today.

After four days of submissions, expert witnesses, cross examinations, and conditions submissions; the third VCAT hearing for this development has concluded.   Again, let’s thank the team representing residents at VCAT… Darren, Alison, Melissa, Nik, Anne and Patrick. Plus everyone who helped prepare and drop off objection forms, Statement of Grounds forms, and various updates [READ IN FULL]

 Posted by at 9:07 pm
Feb 062014
 What's been happening at VCAT.

Monday saw the opening statements and Council present their case including their expert witness. Cross examining by residents and the developer. Tuesday saw the residents present their opening statement, cases, and various documents. An important document presented was a 3D model prepared by resident Nik Bebic. This document was a center of discussion for some [READ IN FULL]

 Posted by at 9:26 am
Feb 032014

Today saw the Council make their presentation to VCAT. Tomorrow morning the residents presentation will commence. Our presentation requires video projector we can hook up to our laptop. Unfortunately the one in the VCAT room is not functioning, so we will need to provide one ourselves. Can anyone assist by providing a video projector for [READ IN FULL]

 Posted by at 6:28 pm
Feb 022014
VCAT hearing - starts tomorrow.

The third VCAT hearing on the Timber Yard development starts tomorrow (Monday 3rd Feb). The develop is hoping to overturn the Councils permit refusal decision.   Schedule: Council will present their case tomorrow. Calling their expert witness. Representatives on behalf of residents will likely present their case late Monday or Tuesday. The developer will likely present [READ IN FULL]

 Posted by at 9:12 pm
Jan 172014
VCAT Expert Witness Reports

The Timber Yard development goes to VCAT  (for the third time) in  two weeks, starting week of 3rd Feb. The developer has submitted their expert witness reports prepared for the hearing. The resident objectors team are reviewing the reports and finalising their submission which will be given to VCAT during the hearing.   Developer’s Documents [READ IN FULL]

 Posted by at 3:48 pm
Dec 102013

VCAT hearing. The timber yard development VCAT hearing is scheduled to commence 3rd February 2014. Case reference number P2101/2013. Will you be updated on VCAT matters? VCAT have determined objectors will not be notified by VCAT themselves of any VCAT matters unless they nominated themselves to speak at the hearing. However Protect Neport group will [READ IN FULL]

 Posted by at 10:44 am
Nov 112013

SoG Great work everyone! Approximately 200 resident’s Statement of Grounds have been submitted to VCAT; and copies served to Council and the developer’s solicitor. Even if you missed today’s deadline set by VCAT, drop your completed SoG at one of the local drop boxes anyway, and we will submit them on your behalf regardless and [READ IN FULL]

 Posted by at 9:15 pm