May 042012

Hi Everyone,

The developer requested his VCAT hearing be adjourned so he could submit amended plans which would consider Council’s feedback.

The developers amended plans have arrived. In summary the changes are:

  1. Number of apartments reduced from 43 to 42.
  2. Overall height adjusted, now 0.8m lower. Car park is now called ‘semi-basement’ car park as it has been lowered into the ground by 0.8m.
  3. Increased set-backs all-round (at ground level) by 1m.
  4. Change of central building deleting forth floor.
  5. Cantilevered level one and some shear three storey walls still seem to be a ‘feature’.
  6. Undulating fences along perimeter changed to straight form and the introduction of security gates on all street accessible entrances.
  7. Some other minor fluffing about with bike racks and things.

Needless to say, it’s fundamentally the same development.

A copy of the amended plans will be loaded online shortly for everyone to view.

 Posted by at 3:06 pm

  2 Responses to “Developer’s amended plans have arrived – initial review ‘not much has changed’.”

  1. 42 apartments on this small block of land is definately too many. It looks like we still have a fight on our hands to stop this developer from destroying our heritage and our neighbourhood. If we let him build this ugly block of flats in Newport, then lookout they will be popping up in Newport, Williamstown and every neighbouring suburb. The changes aren’t enough for what we would like to see. If he decided to put Townhouses that were period styled then I think I wouldn’t mind, but his answer is always to cram as many units into one small block of as possible. We must stick together as neighbours and not let this happen.

    • Agree John,

      Density is is still too high. I would’ve thought somewhere around the 25 mark would be more acceptable and definetly NO 3 storie allowed.


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