Oct 272013

VCAT Practice Day Hearing

Representatives for objectors attended the VCAT practice day (direction) hearing last Friday.

Mediation Cancelled

Mediation will not happen as it is not likely the developer and all residents will come to an agreement.

VCAT Hearing Date

As the developer’s lawyer failed to comply with the VCAT order to inform residents of their VCAT application, the hearing date will no longer be starting on the 16th December, but some time late January 2014. VCAT still to advise exact date via a new order. You are likely to get this new date in the mail shortly.

Residents Statement of Grounds Submissions

Unfortunately (and despite our representatives asking for more time for residents to submit their Statement of Grounds) objectors still need to get their Statements of Grounds to VCAT by the 11th of November. To assist residents with these submissions, we will shortly have a proforma people can review and/or use for their Statement of Grounds of objection. As usual, we will distribute these to objectors’ letterboxes and help with getting them to VCAT via local drop-boxes.

This is the next big thing we need to concentrate on – and we are again looking for volunteers to assist with communications, distribution and collection.

Developer’s Amended Plans

The developer will again be submitting amended plans to VCAT, but as these are supposed to be minor changes only we will not be given the opportunity to review them before submitting our SoG submissions.


Interestingly the developer’s lawyer went to the trouble to print off and submit to VCAT the last post from this website, arguing residents need no extension of time to get in their submissions because “we are so well organised”. 😆

 Posted by at 5:24 pm

  2 Responses to “VCAT practice day outcome. What’s next?”

  1. Hi. We’re moving to Newport in jan, can we object to this development? If so, how can I get the forms that you mention you are going to drop in letter boxes? Thanks

    • Hi.

      Welcome to Newport. Despite this issue, it’s a great place to be and a terrific community.

      Normally only people who objected to Council can submit a Statement of Grounds to VCAT. But at the last VCAT hearing VCAT accepted Statements of Grounds from people who did not previously object, on the basis that there are people who were not aware of the issue or previously impacted by it. So I suggest the forms and submission information that will be posted online here soon can also be used and submitted by yourself.

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