After a community consultation process, the developer is in the final stages of preparing amended plans for submission to Council.
In Protect Newport’s view, the plans HAVE NOT to any significant degree addressed the community’s major concerns of height, bulk, density, neighbourhood character, setbacks, parking and traffic.
In summary… there are still 43 dwellings, three stories, same building and occupant density, same height and bulk, as the plans presented during the workshops.
You will see by the letter accompanying the plans, the developer is still maintaining the position that VCAT and Council reviews/hearings give them approval to do what they wish, and the community feedback is therefore largely ignored.
Here is the letter from developer.
Here are the plans. (A3 format file)
Quick survey – after reviewing the latest pre-submission plans, please rate the developer’s community consultation process.
[yop_poll id=”4″]
The developer has scheduled a final community workshop for Thursday 13 June 6.30pm – 8pm at The Chambers, level 1, Williamstown Town Hall, Ferguson Street. This workshop by the developer is “to provide an opportunity for final discussions between the developer and residents prior to plans being submitted to Hobsons Bay City Council”.
We suggest residents go along and provide further feedback before plans are submitted to Council.
“-> Developer is relying on the community giving up. This will never happen as it is too important.
-> There is no point in the developer seeking the communities feedback unless he has an intention to make any significant changes to alleviate the communities concerns. Unless the consultation is a sham to satisfy some other objective which benefits the developer only.
-> Back to the basics again; the development is too dense, too large, too many residences on that site. I really don’t care about design details just yet, this type of thing does not belong.
-> The work shops were a waste of our time and the response from the developer is totally disrespectful. Took no notice of our concerns.”
Here are a selection of comments by survey participants…
-> Developer is relying on the community giving up. This will never happen as it is too important.
-> There is no point in the developer seeking the communities feedback unless he has an intention to make any significant changes to alleviate the communities concerns. Unless the consultation is a sham to satisfy some other objective which benefits the developer only.
-> Back to the basics again; the development is too dense, too large, too many residences on that site. I really don’t care about design details just yet, this type of thing does not belong.
-> The work shops were a waste of our time and the response from the developer is totally disrespectful. Took no notice of our concerns.