If you think you missed the objection deadline, have no fear, there is still time.
Although Council advised a decision could be made as soon as 11th July, the decision is still pending and objections can be submitted right up to the decision being made.
We suggest submitting an objection ASAP to ensure your submission is included in Council’s review.
Details of the application and how to object below…..
Former Newport Timber Yard (6 Paine St) Development
Massive 43 unit development, 3 and 4 stories high.
Having twice been rejected by Council and VCAT, the developer has made yet another application to council to develop this site.
In response to the last VCAT hearing, the developer has made a small attempt to integrate with local neighbourhood character by including some pitched roofs and height adjustments; but, the development remains essentially the same 43 unit overdevelopment, with:
- A dominating development, incongruous with the neighbourhood and neighbourhood character.
- 43 dwellings in a single building mass occupying the majority of the site.
- Predominately three storeys around the perimeter with some two storeys on corners. Three to four storey building on Latrobe St comprising rooftop decks and enclosed (ugly) stairwells.
- Dominating second and third levels, many cantilevered forward. Pitched roofs added, but framed and blocky facade. As little as 2m only set-back on balconies and walls on all boundaries of the building.
- Predominately concrete construction with much brick and masonry cladding.
- Many units overlooking Armstrong Reserve and children’s playground. Absolute minimal private open space for residents. Resident car parking via car stacker systems.
- With no change to density, parking and traffic issues remain the same.
- Does not fully comply with ResCode. Does not meet Council’s infill guidelines.
This is what the developer wants to stick in the middle of our neighbourhood …
Plan – Site coverage – ResCode sets a standard of less than 60% max site coverage. This plan is more like 90% site coverage.
Paine St elevations* – two and three storey façade with minimal set-back. Large car park entry.
Crawford St elevations* – two and three storey façade with minimal set-back. Two sets of storey high stair.
Latrobe St elevations* – four storey building, two and three storey façade with minimal set-back. Two sets of storey high stair. Entrance/stair on the corner of Latrobe and Paine is dominating and canyon like.
Armstrong Reserve elevations* – two and three storey façade with minimal set-back. Overlooking children’s playground. Residents private open space abutting park.
* Elevation notes:
- Colour elevations are developer’s depiction, focusing on front most facade only, with elements behind those (but still visible from the street) reduced to line drawing only.
- B&W elevations are our adjustment to show a silhouette of front most facade and other elements still very visible from street.
If you oppose this development (and what it represents and sets precedents for) please support your neighbourhood by objecting to it as soon as possible, preferably before 11th July.
You can view the application and plans here.
Electronic method…
COUNCILS GREENLIGHT PLANNING SYSTEM for online submission, go to the bottom of the page for objection form. Review the below pre-completed objection document for assistance and text you might want to use.
Paper method…
Here are some aids to objecting, select the most convenient. Each person in your household can submit their own objection. The more the better. There are no age limits for objectors.
PRE-COMPLETED OBJECTION (PDF) – containing the most pertinent points and you can use it as a reference for completing the blank objection form or submitting an objection on Council’s planning system (Greenlight), or submit the pre-completed objection form itself.
BLANK OBJECTION FORM for writing your own objection.
Objection kits (which include the above forms) have been distributed to homes in streets surrounding the development site. You may have one in your letterbox.
You can drop off your completed forms at the below community collection points, for coordinated hand delivery to the Council offices on your behalf.
Local collection points:
4 Paine St (in the letterbox). 2 Crawford St (in the letterbox). 4 Bunbury St (in the letterbox).
81 Wilkins St – corner of Latrobe St and Wilkins St (in the letterbox).
Or, you can send your completed objection forms to one of these addresses.
FAX any of the above to 03 9932 1090, make sure you include the following information:
– Application number: PA1226036
– Site address: 6 Paine St Newport
– Your name and address.
POST any of the above to:
Hobsons Bay City Council – Corporate Centre
Town Planning Department (Mark Tenner)
115 Civic Parade
Altona VIC 3018
To speak with Council’s planner about this development, phone Mark Tenner on 03 9932 1157.
If you have any questions of us, please email info@protectnewport.com
Good luck everyone, and let the community’s voice be heard… again.