Monday: Council presented their two expert witnesses which took all of Monday. Both the Applicant and Objectors representatives cross examined these witnesses.
Tuesday: Council gave their closing statement at the beginning of the day. The Objectors representatives gave their statements and presented their documented submissions throughout the morning. In the afternoon the Applicant made their opening and presented two of their expert witnesses. Both the Applicant and Objectors representatives cross examined these witnesses.
The VCAT member hearing the case undertook a site visit Tuesday afternoon.
Wednesday will see the rest of the Applicants experts present.
A further update tomorrow. A decision by VCAT is not expected on the day, but up to a few weeks away.
For the first two days, resident objectors have been attending to watch first hand and lend support. If you can lend moral and numerical support to the speakers presenting on behalf of the Resident Objectors, please come down to the VCAT hearing for the last day (Wednesday).
VCAT at 55 King Street, Melbourne.
Even coming in for an hour or so demonstrates to all parties the conviction of the objectors. You can quietly walk in and out at will.